A Sixtieth Birthday to Remember!

Selection of the proper wine to go with dinner

Geoff gives Allen directions, which apparently were good enough (see below)

Allen's white Maxima weaves through city traffic.

The setting for dinner: The Columbia Yacht Club's Headquarters, 
upper deck (chilly but private!)

Around the table we go...Dad, Mom, Jeff, Cheryl, (Kendall), Allen, Geoff, Karla, Brian.

and for her next trick, Karla's head will spin 360°

(the camera sees all! )

A gorgeous amethyst necklace for a woman of the new millennium.

Karla and Mom, an elegant duo

The original Miller clan: Karla, Kendall, Mom, Allen, Dad, Geoff
And expanded family & friends: Jeff, Mom, Dad, Allen, Kendall, Cheryl, Geoff, Karla, Brian

And don't forget the chef, who put together a fabulous meal for us!

After dinner we checked out the ship's bridge.

A view of the bow and dock.


A good time was had by all!

More pictures from the weekend:  Pizza Party    Chicago Museum of Science and Industry    City views from on high