Parker's Christmas 2000, at Rivet Drive in Lincoln, RI

Aunt Merry working on the baby quilt for Rebecca Grace Parker (first grandchild)

Grandpa, Grandma, Rob, Dad

Kendall made pizza for everyone on Dec 26th.

Mom... Digging for presents.

Brian and Meghan getting the quilt wall hanging Aunt Merry made for them.

my goofy husband!  : )                                and goofy Mom too.  ; )

All the family groupings.  Let's see, first up:

The Illinios Parker side of the family:  Rob, Mom, Dad, Cheryl, Kendall
                                                                    Grandma, Grandpa

The Rhode Island Parker side of the family (minus Kevin and Kerry and not quite born yet Rebecca Grace, of course)
Brian, Meghan, Aunt Merry, Uncle Craig
            Grandma, Grandpa

The Ainscoughs with their daughters and sons-in-law.

The Ainscoughs with (most of) the grandkids and spouses.

And finally some complete group shots.